
Izzah Nadhirah here , WELCOME to my offical blog .NO COPYCAT k ? sb USHA blog ney ! Nah amex 1 belon :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011


/hihi ! hm , esok ary ahd 2 bmkne aq kne blex ostel /no . hmm , sdey2 . mlz aa nak blex . tp x sba nak amek result . aq harp x de yg fail ah , /please . hm , pnat ary nie paking2 barunx , huh /sweat . erm ,  2 je la kot . /bye

Thursday, March 17, 2011

wahh ! penat II

fuh ! 
pnat gilee lah.
visit owg pye blog .
bce entry dyowunx , rmai gler kott yg tga bengang  ngn fb . ps 2 byk pasal jepun , hm , blog dyowang sme lawa2 . hoho . jeles2 :P . N folower dyorng bpax aa rmay nye . hm , x peee . sokey ! (:


haha ! 
x tao nak ltax title apee da.
huhu .
hm , aku rse cuty kli nie cpt je , da la byk mnde lgy yg aq x bwat , kje skola pown haram lahh nak ciap .
hm , smue mnde x siap agy kcuali bsoh ksot (: .
hm , mknn x beli lagy .. mcm2 arh yg x setel ! stress gilee ! da la facebook pown lmbb gile ! rse nak mngis je sb fb lmbb. err . geram2 . rmay gile owg tga bngang ngn facebook ! haha ;D

Monday, March 14, 2011

ɛϰɛяcιƨɛ , ɛϰɛяcιƨɛ & ɛϰɛяcιƨɛ

Huh ! ary nie exercise . sb ade mood .
tp ary nie exercse kjp jee .10 mint jee
esok nak lme cket ,bru taon nie ad smgt nk exercse . sb rse cm da gmox je , :( hm , xnakgemokxnakgemokxnakgemokxnakgemokxnakgemokxnakgemokxnakg

Sunday, March 13, 2011

fAcebook nak ttp ?

hm , dga2 cter , FACEBOOK nak shutdown ae ?
wow ! x sgke plak .
tp x taw laa btol kee x ?
i hope yes laa.
sb fb mnyketkan aty aq jea .

~ bosan , bosan , bosan lahh ~

hmm , dok asrma bosan , dok uma pon bsn gk . sb fb x leyy bkak . yg sllu bkak nye blog jee , . bkk blog pown da bosan dh . hm , na wt fb bru pown mlz . spe yg rjin ? leyh tlong wat kn x ? HEHE :P
wit love :


11 signs that ur in love

You walk really slow when you're with them.

You feel shy whenever they're around.

You smile when you hear their voice.

When you look at them, you can't see the other
People around you, you just see him/her.

They're all you think about.

You realize you're always smiling when you're
Looking at them.

You would do anything for them, just to see them.

While reading this, there was one person on your
Mind this whole time.

You were so busy thinking about that person, you
Didn't notice number seven was missing

You just scrolled up to check & are now silently
Laughing at yourself.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

ƨαια яιи∂ʋ αωκ !

puter! ,,
sye rndu awk .
sye bsan x de awk 
sye rndu cgtt mse kite dlu2 .
kte glak2 , mcm2 aa.
tp skunx nie kte da x rpt da.
awk skola laen , sye skola laen .
lgpown skunx nie kn awk da ade bff bru .
msty awk da x aggp sye bff awk da kn ? kn ?
wlawpon awk x rndu syee , sye ttp rndu awk :)